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13 July 2008

So all that was left today was to finish off the ridge capping, tidy up a couple of the barge rolls and install the whirlybird. Once all that was done and the roof cleaned up a bit, we packed all Lukes gear up, and by 11ish they were ready for the trek back to Newcastle. Only 2 days late. If we'd just had a good day on Thursday we would have been finished way earlier. Once the guys had left dad and I carried on with setting up the deck bearers and joists. We got all the bearers cut to length and bolted in place. Then braced them into the right spot. And got a few joists in. Dad had done all the fiddly work earlier, and measured and marked all the bracket locations.

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14 July 2008

And here's the finished roof. I took some pictures last night, but it was too dark. So I went back for another look today. Its just like those ads you see on telly, I just can't stop looking at it and admiring our new roof.

A big thank you go Luke and George for making the trek down from Newcastle. I really appreciate the efforts they put in, and I reckon its a bloody good job they've done. And they went above and beyond by helping out with the decking on the verandah. I just hope I can continue the precision work they started!

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27 July 2008

After the big step forward of putting the roof on, we're back to fiddly bits that you can't see. Before we start windows and then cladding we need to tie in all the internal frames. We also put on the last of the sheet bracing, screwed down all the external frames at 1200 centres and gang nailed the top plates together. We also made a start on the eave battens as well, and chucked a couple of eave boards up to see what it all looks like. Then we got on with straightening internal walls and nailing them down. Lots of fiddly things to do, but hopefully we'll be on to windows and some cladding soon.

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2/3 August 2008

We were hoping to put the windows in and start the cladding, but the inspector wanted us to tie in all the internal frames and do all the shear blocks first. So this weekend we fiddled about finishing off the list that the inspector left for us. We finished straightening all the internal frames, locked in all the wardrobes, and tied the whole lot into the trusses with shear blocks and L-brackets. We stuck some more diagonal bracing on the hall wall, a couple of tie downs on the front that we missed, and put cyclone straps over the verandah rafters.

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9/10 August 2008

During the week the inspector give us the big thumbs up on the frames and everything. So we're right to move ahead. This weekends plan was to do all the eave soffit linings and windows. Trev and I cracked on with the eaves on Saturday morning. Denis and Leila came for a visit, so they were put to work on Saturday afternoon. Denis gave us a hand with the eave linings, and Leila did a super job of holding hammers and passing nails. Sunday we finished putting in the windows. Or when I say finished, we put all the ones in that would fit. 3 of the openings were too short and the windows would either not fit, or didn't have the minimum 15mm clearance above. So some calls to Kitome were in order. Not very happy about it I have to say, but then with the quality of the rest of the frames its hardly surprising. We also blocked in the sliding door between the kitchen and lounge. We're giving ourselves more kitchen space and thought that the door wasn't necessary.

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23/24 August 2008

After a weekend off up in Sydney helping Pete move and taking Betty to the All Ford Day, it was back into it this weekend. I decided to tackle the rest of the decking on the verandah. Its something I'd wanted to do for ages, but never had time to do. Pete was down and he and Trev sorted out the soffit lining in the gable end. By the afternoon we were ready to start on the cladding. Dad also came down on the Saturday. He installed a switch box in the laundry and got the power up to it.

Sunday Trev and I got to more cladding in the morning. It looks great, and I can't wait till the whole lot it done! After Trev left to help Carol out, dad and I worked out powerpoint and light switch locations so he could go and stick all the little metal frames on. I carried on with some decking all afternoon. Only got about 3 more boards to do now.

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30/31 August 2008

One more wall done. Trev and I spent Saturday preparing and then cladding the western wall. There's just the small gap at the top where a whole sheet won't fit, so we need to rip one down to size. But it all went up very easily. I'm not sure if other builders use a laser level to check that things are straight, but we did! Trev was away Sunday up at Wakefield with Pete. So I carried on packing out windows and doing some decking. In between I babysat Talia while Carlyn painted the french doors down at the shed. They're just getting their final coat and are looking excellent.

During the week John the plumber was in with his team to stick the hot and cold pipework in. There is still a bit more to do, but he's got a head start and all the bathrooms and laundry are sorted.

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11 September 2008

We've now got our doors on. No handles on the french ones yet. That saga continues. Swapped our brass knobs for stainless, and then bought some levers. Turns out the levers were back-to-front in the lock, so didn't work with the way the doors were set up. I finished off the decking last weekend, and dad was here starting on the wiring. There's a bit involved in getting the circuits and layout organised, so that takes time. But still is great to be getting some wires in.

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13/14 September 2008

Trev was busy with election stuff on Saturday, so I did a few little bits and bobs around the place. Swept the floor and cleaned up a bit. Then I started on the rest of the bearers for the deck. Got all the brackets on and 3 bearers. Sunday was windy and wet. And then hot and sunny and then wet again. We had a slack morning, and I played with Talia instead. Trev and I went down at about 1pm. Did some more cladding. The wall next to the front door is done, the dining room wall is finished, and we've started on the lounge room one.


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